Wednesday, April 9, 2008

April 9, 2008 - Trip to Spencer to Find Bruno

This morning we got up at 4:45 and I put all the kids in the van to drive out to Spencer, IN, to see if a dog, which had shown up in a barn at a farm, was Bruno. The people had only gotten a close look at him once, and had hollered at him and scared him off. After this instance, he won't go near them. In the mornings, as soon as he hears their front door close, he gets out of their pretty quickly. Hence the wee hours of the morn. We got there about 15 minutes before daylight, but I parked up by the house, and I got to see the dog, barely, but as soon as I opened and closed the van door, the dog was off. Probably not Bruno, but it was still very dark, and I couldn't really see.

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