Monday, April 28, 2014

More rubber floor demo...

More rubber floor demo...and 1st plywood piece photos!

And a new lost tooth...but not from any tools!

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The aluminum strips of trim, not only aided in water seeping under the rubber flooring, but was an absolute BEAR to get out!  Nora worked on lots of it with her brute strength!
 photo Noraremovingaluminumaisletrim_zps131ab722.jpg

Stella was, and is, our shop-vac girl.  
Here, she is sucking up the detritus from demo-ing the 1st plywood flooring piece.
 photo Stellashopvac-ing_zps6e61330a.jpg

Those wood screws are thick and rusted.  We used graduated sizes of square bits and Philips bits, then after that we just had to pry the suckers out with a pry-bar and mallet!
 photo StellaSarahImpactDriver_zps68c25f84.jpg

After an hour or so...we got ONE piece of plywood up!!  Woohoo!! photo TeriStellaplywood1up_zps6dfbf2dc.jpg

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