Sunday, April 13, 2014

Getting the bus home!

So we had some finagling to firm up coordinating schedules of 4 separate people/couples to get the bus the hour and a half trek from its location to our home.  We were super lucky to ONLY have an hour and a half distance!  So, we were able to get the seller to drive it an hour and leave it in a Walmart parking lot.

*Squee* - I just bought a bus!!

Where, I got to drive it about a half hour to a Kmart parking lot, with my fantastically supportive mother, Teri, followed behind me with all of my offspring in our vehicle!

Mom & I!
Intrepid...yes, I think we can claim that adjective, now!

Missing 2 of our darling little family!

Then my brother-in-law, Will, who has lots of experience maneuvering and backing up large diesel type vehicles could then drive it the 10-15 minutes out our country highway and into our driveway!


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